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The Nissan Dualis was a mid-size SUV which arrived locally in 2008. The Dualis name is a reference to its intended ability to sit between ...

How to Pimp Your Car

How to Pimp Your Car
  1. When you get your first car you must be very excited. One way you can add to the happiness of owning your first ride is what I call pimping. You don't have to spend tons of money on the car, there are many inexpensive ways to upgrade your ride.
  2. 1
    Before you do this is to consider your budget, never overspend on a car you can't afford upgrading.
  3. Image titled Pimp Your Car Step 2
    If the car is damaged, consider having it repaired of any major dents or scratches.
  4. Image titled Pimp Your Car Step 3
    Paint it and detail with hot graphics.
  5. Image titled Pimp Your Car Step 4
    To add interest and personality to your car, install elements that enhances a theme. In this case, sporty.
  6. Image titled Pimp Your Car Step 5
    Cool rims and colored headlights will instantly create a theme you're looking for.
  7. Image titled Pimp Your Car Step 6
    Installing a performance muffler will add sounds to a car's engine. This will cost about $200.00 and can be installed yourself.
  8. Image titled Pimp Your Car Step 7
    To make your car's interior as nice as the outside, an inexpensive fix is to cover or reupholster the seats.
  9. Image titled Pimp Your Car Step 8
    Wax and clean your car regularly to keep it looking good. This alone will improve the look and feel of your car.
  10. Image titled Pimp Your Car Step 9
    Stand back and enjoy looking at your pimped car.

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    • Use your imagination.
    • Simple fixes will still beautify your ride.
    • When getting new rims get new tires also if the tires are old.


    • Never overspend this can ruin your budget and leave you very unhappy.
    • Maintain the car regularly especially if the car is older replace parts that are in bad shape, engine parts tires regular maintenance. If not the car will not run property and break down. Its not pimp to have the car towed.

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